Διεθνή Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά


Β1.      Katsikadelis J.T. and Sapountzakis E.J. (1985) “Torsion of Composite Bars by the Boundary Element Method”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 51, 1197-1210.

Β2.      Pavlovic M.N. and Sapountzakis E.J. (1986) “Computers and Structures: Non-Numerical Applications”, Computers and Structures, 24(3), 455-474.

Β3.      Katsikadelis J.T. and Sapountzakis E.J. (1988) “An Approach to the Vibration Problem of Homogeneous, Non-Homogeneous and Composite Membranes Based on the Boundary Element Method”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 26, 2439-2455.

Β4.      Katsikadelis J.T., Sapountzakis E.J. and Zorba E.G. (1990) “A BEM Approach to Static and Dynamic Analysis of Plates with Internal Supports”, Computational Mechanics, 7, 31-40.

Β5.      Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (1991) “Boundary Element Solution for Plates of Variable Thickness”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 117(6), 1241-1256.

Β6.      Katsikadelis J.T. and Sapountzakis E.J. (1991) “A BEM Solution to Dynamic Analysis of Plates with Variable Thickness”, Computational Mechanics, 7, 369-379.

Β7.      Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (1992) “Unilaterally Supported Plates on Elastic Foundations by the Boundary Element Method”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, 59, 580-586.

B8.      Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (1999) “Dynamic Analysis of Elastic Plates Reinforced with Beams of Doubly-Symmetrical Cross Section”, Computational Mechanics, 23, 430-439.

Β9.      Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (2000) “Analysis of Plates Reinforced with Beams”, Computational Mechanics, 26, 66-74.

Β10.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (2000) “Elastic Deformation of Ribbed Plate Systems Under Static, Transverse and Inplane Loading”, Computers and Structures, 74, 571-581.

Β11.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (2000) “Interface Forces in Composite Steel-Concrete Structures”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 37, 4455-4472.

B12.    Sapountzakis E.J. (2000) “Solution of Nonuniform Torsion of Bars by an Integral Equation Method”, Computers and Structures, 77, 659-667.

B13.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2001) “Nonuniform Torsion of Composite Bars by Boundary Element Method”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 127(9), 945-953.

Β14.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (2001) “Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Slab-and-Beam Structures”, Computational Mechanics, 27, 492-503.

B15.    Sapountzakis E.J. (2001) “Nonuniform Torsion of Multi-Material Composite Bars by the Boundary Element Method”, Computers and Structures, 79, 2805-2816.

B16.    Katsikadelis J.T, and Sapountzakis E.J. (2002) “A Realistic Estimation of the Effective Breadth of Ribbed Plates”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39, 897-910.

B17.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (2002) “Creep and Shrinkage Effect on Reinforced Concrete Slab-and-Beam Structures”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 128(6), 625-634.

B18.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (2002) “Influence of the Inplane Boundary Conditions on the Vibration Frequencies and Buckling Load of Ribbed Plates”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2(1), 25-43.

Β19.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (2002) “A Νew Μodel of Slab and Beam Structures – Comparison with other Models”, Computers and Structures, 80, 459-470.

B20.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (2003) “Creep and Shrinkage Effect on the Dynamic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Slab-and-Beam Structures”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 260(3), 403-416.

B21.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2003) “Warping Shear Stresses in Nonuniform Torsion by BEM”, Computational Mechanics, 30(2), 131-142.

B22.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Katsikadelis J.T. (2003) “A New Model for the Analysis of Composite Steel – Concrete Slab and Beam Structures with Deformable Connection”, Computational Mechanics, 31(3-4), 340-349.

B23.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2003) “Warping Shear Stresses in Nonuniform Torsion of Composite Bars by BEM”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 192, 4337-4353.

B24.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2004) “Nonuniform Torsion of Bars of Variable Cross Section”, Computers and Structures, 82(9-10), 703-715.

B25.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2004) “Nonuniform Torsion of Composite Bars of Variable Thickness by BEM”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41(7), 1753-1771.

B26.    Sapountzakis E.J. (2004) “Dynamic Analysis of Composite Steel-Concrete Structures with Deformable Connection”, Computers and Structures, 82(9-10), 717-729.

B27.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2004) “3-D Beam Element of Variable Composite Cross Section Including Warping Effect”, Acta Mechanica, 171, 151-169.

B28.    Σαπουντζάκης Ε.Ι. και Μώκος Β.Γ. (2004) “Επιρροή Στρέβλωσης στο Χωρικό στοιχείο Ελαστικής Δοκού Σύνθετης ή Ομογενούς Διατομής με Εφαρμογές σε Χωρικές Κατασκευές”, Τεχνικά Χρονικά, Επιστημονική Έκδοση ΤΕΕ, Σειρά Ι (Θέματα Πολιτικού Μηχανικού και Αγρονόμου-Τοπογράφου Μηχανικού), 24(1-3), 115-139.

B29.    Sapountzakis E.J. (2005) “Torsional Vibrations of Composite Bars by BEM”, Composite Structures, 70, 229-239.

B30.    Sapountzakis E.J. (2005) “Torsional Vibrations of Composite Bars of Variable Cross Section by BEM”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 194, 2127-2145.

B31.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2005) “A BEM Solution to Transverse Shear Loading of Beams”, Computational Mechanics, 36, 384-397.

B32.    Mokos V.G. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2005) “A BEM Solution to Transverse Shear Loading of Composite Beams”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42, 3261-3287.

Η δημοσίευση αυτή έχει βραβευθεί το έτος 2006 από το Θωμαΐδειο Κληροδότημα στα πλαίσια του διαγωνισμού «Θωμαΐδια Βραβεία για την Πρόοδο Επιστημών και Τεχνών».

B33.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2006) “Dynamic Analysis of 3-D Beam Elements Including Warping and Shear Deformation Effects”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43, 6707-6726.

B34.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2006) “Influence of the Interface Forces to the Analysis of Beam Stiffened Plates”, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 5(4), 390-404.

B35.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2006) “Shear Deformation Effect in Second-Order Analysis of Composite Frames Subjected in Variable Axial Loading by BEM”, Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, 2(4), 207-223.

B36.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsiatas G.C. (2007) “Flexural-Torsional Vibrations of Beams by BEM”, Computational Mechanics, 39, 409-417.

B37.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsiatas G.C. (2007) “Elastic Flexural Buckling Analysis of Composite Beams of Variable Cross-Section by BEM”, Engineering Structures, 29(5), 675-681.

B38.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2007) “3-D Beam Element of Composite Cross Section Including Warping and Shear Deformation Effects”, Computers and Structures, 85, 102-116.

(10th in the list of Top 25 Hottest Articles in January – March 2007)

B39.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2007) “Analysis of Plates Stiffened by Parallel Beams”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 70, 1209-1240.

B40.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2007) “Vibration Analysis of 3-D Composite Beam Elements Including Warping and Shear Deformation Effects”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 306, 818-834.

B41.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsiatas G.C. (2007) “Flexural – Torsional Buckling and Vibration Analysis of Composite Beams”, Computers, Materials and Continua, 6(2), 103-115.

B42.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2007) “Shear Deformation Effect in Nonlinear Analysis of Spatial Composite Beams Subjected to Variable Axial Loading by BEM”, Acta Mechanica, 193, 43-65.

B43.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2008) “Shear Deformation Effect in Nonlinear Analysis of Spatial Beams”, Engineering Structures, 30, 653-663.

B44.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Protonotariou V.M. (2008) “A Displacement Solution for Transverse Shear Loading of Beams Using the Boundary Element Method”, Computers and Structures, 86, 771-779.

B45.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2008) “Shear Deformation Effect in Second-Order Analysis of Frames Subjected to Variable Axial Loading”, Computational Mechanics, 41(3), 429-439.

B46.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Panagos D.G. (2008) “Nonlinear Analysis of Beams of Variable Cross Section Including Shear Deformation Effect”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 78, 687-710.

B47.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2008) “An Improved Model for the Dynamic Analysis of Plates Stiffened by Parallel Beams”, Engineering Structures, 30, 1720-1733.

B48.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsipiras V.J. (2008) “Nonlinear Inelastic Uniform Torsion of Bars by BEM”, Computational Mechanics, 42, 77-94.

Η δημοσίευση αυτή έχει βραβευθεί το έτος 2008 από το Θωμαΐδειο Κληροδότημα στα πλαίσια του διαγωνισμού «Θωμαΐδια Βραβεία για την Πρόοδο Επιστημών και Τεχνών».

B49.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Panagos D.G. (2008) “Shear Deformation Effect in Nonlinear Analysis of Composite Beams of Variable Cross Section”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 43, 660-682.

B50.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2008) “An Improved Model for the Analysis of Plates Stiffened by Parallel Beams with Deformable Connection”, Computers and Structures, 86, 2166-2181.

B51.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dourakopoulos J.A. (2008) “Flexural – Torsional Buckling Analysis of Composite Beams by BEM Including Shear Deformation Effect”, Mechanics Research Communications, 35, 497-516.

B52.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2009) “Shear Deformation Effect in Plates Stiffened by Parallel Beams”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 79, 893-915.

B53.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dourakopoulos J.A. (2009) “Shear Deformation Effect in Flexural-Torsional Vibrations of Beams by BEM”, Acta Mechanica, 203, 197-221.

B54.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2009) “Shear Deformation Effect in the Dynamic Analysis of Plates Stiffened by Parallel Beams”, Acta Mechanica, 204(3), 249-272.

B55.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsipiras V.J. (2009) “Nonlinear Inelastic Uniform Torsion of Composite Bars by BEM”, Computers and Structures, 87, 151-166.

B56.    Sapountzakis E.J. (2009) “Recent Advances in the Dynamic Analysis of Stiffened Plates – Application to Concrete or to Composite Steel-Concrete Structures”, Recent Patents on Engineering, 3(1), 39-59 (invited paper).

B57.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsipiras V.J. (2009) “Effect of Axial Restraint in Composite Bars under Nonlinear Inelastic Uniform Torsion by BEM”, Engineering Structures, 31, 1190-1203.

B58.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dourakopoulos J.A. (2009) “Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Timoshenko Beams by BEM. Part I: Theory and Numerical Implementation”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 58(1), 295-306.

B59.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dourakopoulos J.A. (2009) “Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Timoshenko Beams by BEM. Part II: Applications and Validation”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 58(1), 307-318.

B60.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2009) “A Displacement Solution to Transverse Shear Loading of Composite Beams by BEM”, Computers, Materials and Continua, 10(1), 1-39.

B61.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dourakopoulos J.A. (2009) “Lateral Buckling Analysis of Beams of Arbitrary Cross Section by BEM”, Computational Mechanics, 45(1), 11-21.

B62.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Mokos V.G. (2009) “Buckling Analysis of Plates Stiffened by Parallel Beams”, Computers, Materials and Continua, 12(2), 157-195.

B63.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsipiras V.J. (2009) “Composite Bars of Arbitrary Cross Section in Nonlinear Elastic Nonuniform Torsion by BEM”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 135(12), 1354-1367.

B64.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dourakopoulos J.A. (2010) “Flexural – Torsional Postbuckling Analysis of Beams of Arbitrary Cross Section”, Acta Mechanica, 209(1), 67-84.

B65.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsipiras V.J. (2010) “Nonlinear Elastic Nonuniform Torsion of Bars of Arbitrary Cross Section by BEM”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 45, 63-74.

B66.    Sapountzakis E.J. (2010) “An Improved Model for the Analysis of Plates Stiffened by Parallel Beams Including Creep and Shrinkage Effects – Application to Concrete or to Composite Steel-Concrete Structures”, International Review of Civil Engineering, 1(1), 18-31 (invited paper).

B67.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsipiras V.J. (2010) “Nonlinear Nonuniform Torsional Vibrations of Bars by the Boundary Element Method”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329, 1853-1874.

B68.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dourakopoulos J.A. (2010) “Shear Deformation Effect in Flexural-Torsional Vibrations of Composite Beams by BEM”, Journal of Vibration and Control, 16(12), 1763-1789.

B69.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsipiras V.J. (2010) “Warping Shear Stresses in Nonlinear Nonuniform Torsional Vibrations of Bars by BEM”, Engineering Structures, 32, 741-752.

B70.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dourakopoulos J.A. (2010) “Shear Deformation Effect in Flexural-Torsional Buckling Analysis of Beams of Arbitrary Cross Section by BEM”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 35(2), 141-173.

B71.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Kampitsis A.E. (2010) “Nonlinear Analysis of Shear Deformable Beam-Columns Partially Supported on Tensionless Winkler Foundation”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Special Issue on Computational Mechanics, 2(4), 31-53.

B72.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Kampitsis A.E. (2010) “Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Timoshenko Beam-Columns Partially Supported on Tensionless Winkler Foundation”, Computers and Structures, 88, 1206-1219.

(20th in the list of Top 25 Hottest Articles in October – December 2010)

Η δημοσίευση αυτή έχει βραβευθεί το έτος 2010 από το Θωμαΐδειο Κληροδότημα στα πλαίσια του διαγωνισμού «Θωμαΐδια Βραβεία για την Πρόοδο Επιστημών και Τεχνών».

B73.    Dourakopoulos J.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2010) “Postbuckling Analysis of Beams of Arbitrary Cross Section Using BEM”, Engineering Structures, 32, 3713-3724.

B74.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsipiras V.J. (2010) “Shear Deformable Bars of Doubly Symmetrical Cross Section Under Nonlinear Nonuniform Torsional Vibrations – Application to Torsional Postbuckling Configurations and Primary Resonance Excitations”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 62, 967-987.

Η δημοσίευση αυτή έχει βραβευθεί το έτος 2010 από το Θωμαΐδειο Κληροδότημα στα πλαίσια του διαγωνισμού «Θωμαΐδια Βραβεία για την Πρόοδο Επιστημών και Τεχνών».

B75.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dikaros I.C. (2010) “Nonlinear Effects in Elastic Flexural – Torsional Vibrations of Beams of Arbitrary Cross Section”, Recent Patents on Computer Science, 3(3), 203-223.

B76.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dourakopoulos J.A. (2010) “Flexural – Torsional Nonlinear Analysis of Timoshenko Beam-Column of Arbitrary Cross Section by BEM”, Computers, Materials and Continua, 18(2), 121-154.

B77.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Kampitsis A.E. (2011) “Nonlinear Analysis of Shear Deformable Beam-Columns Partially Supported on Tensionless Three-Parameter Foundation”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 81, 1833-1851.

B78.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dikaros I.C. (2011) “Nonlinear Flexural – Torsional Dynamic Analysis of Beams of Arbitrary Cross Section by BEM”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 46, 782-794.

Η δημοσίευση αυτή έχει βραβευθεί το έτος 2011 από το Θωμαΐδειο Κληροδότημα στα πλαίσια του διαγωνισμού «Θωμαΐδια Βραβεία για την Πρόοδο Επιστημών και Τεχνών».

B79.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Kampitsis A.E. (2011) “Nonlinear Response of Shear Deformable Beams on Tensionless Nonlinear Viscoelastic Foundation under Moving Loads”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330, 5410-5426.

Η δημοσίευση αυτή έχει βραβευθεί το έτος 2011 από το Θωμαΐδειο Κληροδότημα στα πλαίσια του διαγωνισμού «Θωμαΐδια Βραβεία για την Πρόοδο Επιστημών και Τεχνών».

B80.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dikaros I.C. (2011) “Large Deflection Analysis of Plates Stiffened by Parallel Beams”, Engineering Structures, 35, 254-271.

B81.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsipiras V.J. (2011) “Inelastic Nonuniform Torsion of Bars of Doubly Symmetric Cross Section by BEM”, Computers and Structures, 89, 2388-2401.

Η δημοσίευση αυτή έχει βραβευθεί το έτος 2011 από το Θωμαΐδειο Κληροδότημα στα πλαίσια του διαγωνισμού «Θωμαΐδια Βραβεία για την Πρόοδο Επιστημών και Τεχνών».

B82.    Mokos V.G. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2011) “Secondary Torsional Moment Deformation Effect by BEM”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 53, 897-909.

B83.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dikaros I.C. (2012) “Large Deflection Analysis of Plates Stiffened by Parallel Beams with Deformable Connection”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 138(8), 1021-1041.

B84.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Kampitsis A.E. (2012) “A BEM Approach for Inelastic Analysis of Beam-Foundation Systems Under Cyclic Loading”, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 87(2), 97-126.

B85.    Tsipiras V.J. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2012) “Secondary Torsional Moment Deformation Effect in Inelastic Nonuniform Torsion of Bars of Doubly Symmetric Cross Section by BEM”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 47, 68-84.

B86.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Kampitsis A.E. (2013) “Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Shear Deformable Beam-Columns on Nonlinear 3-Parameter Viscoelastic Foundation. Part I: Theory and Numerical Implementation”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 139(7), 886-896.

B87.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Kampitsis A.E. (2013) “Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Shear Deformable Beam-Columns on Nonlinear 3-Parameter Viscoelastic Foundation. Part II: Applications and Validation”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 139(7), 897-902.

B88.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Kampitsis A.E. (2013) “Inelastic Analysis of Beams on Two-Parameter Tensionless Elastoplastic Foundation”, Engineering Structures, 48, 389-401.

B89.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Dikaros I.C. (2013) “Nonlinear Flexural – Torsional Dynamic Analysis of Beams of Variable Cross Section – Application to Wind Turbine Towers”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 73, 199-227.

B90.    Sapountzakis E.J. (2013) “Bars under Torsional Loading: A Generalized Beam Theory Approach”, ISRN Civil Engineering, 2013, Article ID 916581, 39 pages, DOI:10.1155/2013/916581, Hindawi Publishing Corporation (invited Review Article).

B91.    Kampitsis A.E., Sapountzakis E.J., Giannakos S.K. and Gerolymos N.A. (2013) “Seismic Soil–Pile–Structure Kinematic and Inertial Interaction — A New Beam Approach”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 55, 211-224.

B92.    Tsipiras V.J. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2014) “Bars Under Nonuniform Torsion – Application to Steel Bars, Assessment of EC3 Guidelines”, Engineering Structures, 60, 133-147.

B93.    Dikaros I.C. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2014) “Generalized Warping Analysis of Composite Beams of an Arbitrary Cross Section by BEM. Part I: Theoretical Considerations and Numerical Implementation”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 140(9), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000775, 04014062.

B94.    Dikaros I.C. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2014) “Generalized Warping Analysis of Composite Beams of Arbitrary Cross Section by BEM. Part II: Numerical Applications”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 140(9), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000776, 04014063.

B95.    Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsiptsis I.N. (2014) “Quadratic B-Splines in the Analog Equation Method for the Nonuniform Torsional Problem of Bars”, Acta Mechanica, 225(12), 3511-3534.

B96.    Dikaros I.C. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2014) “Nonuniform Shear Warping Effect in the Analysis of Composite Beams by BEM”, Engineering Structures, 76, 215-234.

B97.    Dourakopoulos J.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2014) “Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Plates Stiffened by Parallel Beams with Deformable Connection”, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2014, Article ID 942763, 1-22, DOI: 10.1155/2014/942763.

B98.    Kampitsis A.E. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2014) “Geometrically Nonlinear Inelastic Analysis of Timoshenko Beams on Inelastic Foundation”, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 103(6), 367-409.

B99.    Sapountzakis E.J., Dikaros I.C., Kampitsis A.E. and Koroneou A.D. (2015) “Nonlinear Response of Wind Turbines under Wind and Seismic Excitations with Soil–Structure Interaction”, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, ASME, 10(4): 041007-041007-16, DOI: 10.1115/ 1.4027697.

B100.  Sapountzakis E.J. and Dikaros I.C. (2015) “Advanced 3–D Beam Element of Arbitrary Composite Cross Section Including Generalized Warping Effects”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/nme.4849.

B101.  Sapountzakis E.J., Tsipiras V.J. and Argyridi A.K. (2015) “Torsional Vibration Analysis of Bars Including Secondary Torsional Shear Deformation Effect by the Boundary Element Method”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 355, 208-231.

B102.  Kampitsis A.E., Giannakos S., Gerolymos N. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2015) “Soil-Pile Interaction Considering Structural Yielding: Numerical Modeling and Experimental Validation”, Engineering Structures, 99, 319-333.

B103.  Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsiptsis I.N. (2015) “Generalized Warping Analysis of Curved Beams by BEM”, Engineering Structures, 100, 535-549.

B104.  Dikaros I.C., Sapountzakis E.J. and Argyridi A.K. (2016) “Generalized Warping Effect in the Dynamic Analysis of Beams of Arbitrary Cross Section”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 369, 119-146.

B105.  Argyridi A.K. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2016) “Generalized Warping in Flexural-Torsional Buckling Analysis of Composite Beams”, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2(3), 152-173.

B106.  Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsiptsis I.N. (2017) “B-Splines in the Analog Equation Method for the Generalized Beam Analysis Including Warping Effects”, Computers and Structures, 180, 60-73.

B107.  Tsiptsis I.N. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2017) “Isogeometric Analysis for the Dynamic Problem of Curved Structures Including Warping Effects”, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal, 24(6), 1032-1050, DOI: 10.1080/15397734.2016.1275974.

B108.  Kampitsis A.E. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2017) “Dynamic Analysis of Beam-Soil Interaction Systems with Material and Geometrical Nonlinearities”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, in print.

B109. Dikaros I.C. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2017) “Distortional Analysis of Beams of Arbitrary Cross Section by BEM”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 143(10): 04017118, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001340.

B110.  Tsiptsis I.N. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2017) “Distortional Analysis of Beams with Isogeometric Methods”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 88, 233-252, DOI: 10.1007/s00419-017-1251-z.

B111.  Tsiptsis I.N. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2017) “Generalized Warping and Distortional Analysis of Curved Beams with Isogeometric Methods”, Computers and Structures, 191, 33-50.

B112.  Sapountzakis E.J., Syrimi P.G., Pantazis I.A. and Antoniadis I.A. (2017) “KDamper Concept in Seismic Isolation of Bridges with Flexible Piers”, Engineering Structures, 153, 525-539.

B113.  Tsiptsis I.N. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2017) “Higher Order Beam Theories and Isogeometric Methods in the Analysis of Curved Bridges – Assessment of Diaphragms’ Guidelines”, International Journal of Bridge Engineering, 5(3), 133-182.

B114.  Sapountzakis E.J. and Tsiptsis I.N. (2018) “Generalized Vibration Analysis of Beams including Warping Effects by Isogeometric Methods”, Journal of Vibration and Control, DOI: 10.1177/1077546316685679.

B115.  Sapountzakis E.J., Syrimi P.G. and Antoniadis I.A. (2018) “Frequency Based Design of KDamper for Seismic Isolation of a Single Pier Concrete Bridge”, International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories, 4(4), 289-305, doi: 10.4417/IJGCH-04-04-05.

B116.  Sapountzakis E.J. and Argyridi A.K. (2018) “Literature Overview of Higher Order Beam Theories Taking Account In-Plane and Out-Of-Plane Deformation”, Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering and Construction Materials, 1(1), 1-15.

B117.  Tsiatas G.C., Siokas A.G. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2018) “A Layered Boundary Element Nonlinear Analysis of Beams”, Frontiers in Built Environment, 4, 52, https://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2018.00052.

B118.  Argyridi A.K. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2018) “Higher Order Beam Theory for Linear Local Buckling Analysis”, Engineering Structures, 177, 770-784.

B119.  Sapountzakis E.J. and Argyridi A.K. (2018) “Influence of In-Plane Deformation in Higher Order Beam Theories”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 68(3), 77-94.

B120.  Argyridi A.K. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2019) “Advanced Analysis of Arbitrarily Shaped Axially Loaded Beams Including Axial Warping and Distortion”, Thin-Walled Structures, 134, 127-147.

B121.  Sapountzakis E.J. and Dikaros I.C. (2019) “Advanced 3–D Beam Element Including Warping and Distorsional Effects for the Analysis of Spatial Framed Structures”, Engineering Structures, 188, 147-164.

B122.  Kapasakalis K., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2019) “Implementation of the KDamper as a Stiff Seismic Absorption Base: A
Preliminary Assessment”, Vibration and Acoustics Research Journal, 1, 1, 1-26.

B123.  Kapasakalis K., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2020) “Performance Assessment of the KDamper as a Seismic Absorption Base”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, DOI: 10.1002/stc.2482, 1-27.

Top Cited Article 2020-2021.

B124.  Kapasakalis K., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2021) “Constrained Optimal Design of Seismic Base Absorbers Based on an Extended Kdamper Concept”, Engineering Structures, 226, 111312, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.111312.

B125.  Kapasakalis K., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2021) “Stiff Vertical Seismic Absorbers”, Journal of Vibration and Control, https://doi.org/10.1177/10775463211001624.

B126.  Kapasakalis K. A., Antoniadis I.A., Sapountzakis E.J. and Kampitsis A.E.  (2021) “Vibration Mitigation of Wind Turbine Towers using Negative Stiffness Absorbers”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction, DOI: https://doi.org/10.32732/jcec.2021.10.3.123.

B127.  Kapasakalis K.A., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2021) “A Soil-Dependent Approach for the Design of Novel Negative Stiffness Seismic Protection Devices”, Applied Sciences, 11, 6295, https://doi.org/10.3390/ app11146295.

B128.  Kapasakalis K.A., Alamir C., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2021) “Frequency-Based Design of the Kdamper Concept for Seismic Isolation of Bridges”, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 58, 169-191, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-8049-9_11.

B129.  Kapasakalis K.A., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2022) “Feasibility Assessment of Stiff Seismic Base Absorbers”, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s42417-021-00362-2.

B130.  Kalogerakou M.E., Kapasakalis K.A., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2022) “Vertical Seismic Protection of Structures with Inerter-Based Negative Stiffness Absorbers”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01284-w.

B131.  Kapasakalis K.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2022) “Vibration Absorption using KDamper-based Devices with Extreme Geometric Nonlinearity”, International Journal of Mechanics, Special Issue dedicated to the Memory of
Prof. Erwin Stein: “Structural Mechanics and Computational Mechanics”, 16, 15-27, DOI: 10.46300/9104.2022.16.3.

B132.  Kalderon M., Mantakas A., Paradeisiotis A., Antoniadis I. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2022) “Locally Resonant Metamaterials Utilizing Dynamic Directional Amplification: An Application for Seismic Mitigation”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 110, 1-16.

B133. Mantakas A.G., Kapasakalis K.A., Alvertos A.E., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2022) “A Negative Stiffness Dynamic Base Absorber for Seismic Retrofitting of Residential Buildings”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring 1-22, https://doi.org/10.1002/stc.3127.

B134. Kapasakalis K., Mantakas A., Kalderon M., Antoniou M. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2023). “Performance Evaluation of Distributed Extended KDamper Devices for Seismic Protection of Mid-Rise Building Structures”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 28(4), 972-997,  https://doi.org/10.1080/13632469.2023.2226227.

B135.  Florakis G.I., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2023) “A Novel Gas Spring Based Negative Stiffness Mechanism for Seismic Protection of Structures”, Engineering Structures, 291, 116389, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.116389.

B136.  Antoniou M., Alvertos A., Anastasopoulos I. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2023) “Application of the Εxtended KDamper to the Seismic Protection of Bridges: Design Optimization, Nonlinear Response, SSI and Pounding Effects”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 28(6), 1709-1743, https://doi.org/10.1080/13632469.2023.2250463.

B137.  Gkikakis A.E., Kapasakalis K.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2024) “Comprehensive Design Optimization of Vertical Seismic Absorbers Incorporating Sensitivity and Robust Analysis: A Case Study of the KDamper”, Engineering Structures, 301, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.117303.

B138.  Mantakas A., Chondrogiannis K.A., Kalderon M., Kapasakalis K., Chatzi E., Sapountzakis E.J. and Antoniadis I.A. (2024) “Design and Experimental Verification of an Extended KDamper – Based Vibration Absorber”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2647, 172007, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2647/17/ 172007.

B139.  Kapasakalis K.A., Gkikakis A.E., Sapountzakis E.J., Chatzi E.N. and Kampitsis A.E. (2024) “Multi-Objective Optimization of a Negative Stiffness Vibration Control System for Offshore Wind Turbines”, Ocean Engineering, 303, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.117631.

B140.  Sapountzakis E.J., Florakis G.I., and Kapasakalis K.A. (2024) “Design and Performance Assessment of Base Isolated Structures Supplemented with Vibration Control Systems”, Buildings, 14, 955, https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14040955.

B141.  Florakis G.I., Kapasakalis K.A., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2024) “Dimensioning and Realistic Design of a Novel Based Negative Stiffness Seismic Isolator”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2647, 252020, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2647/25/252020.

B142.  Mantakas A., Kalderon M., Chondrogiannis K.A., Kapasakalis K.A., Chatzi E., Antoniadis I.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2024) “Experimental Testing and Numerical Validation of the Extended KDamper: A Negative Stiffness – Based Vibration Absorber”, Engineering Structures,in print.

B143.  Florakis G.I., Kapasakalis K.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2025) “Simplified Design Approach of a Negative Stiffness-Based Seismic Base Absorber via Multi-Objective Optimization”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 189, 109092, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2024.109092.

B144.  Kapasakalis K., Mantakas A., Kalderon M. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2025) “Retrofit Strategies for Seismic Protection of Multi-Story Structures with Extended KDamper Devices”, Technical Annals, in print.

B145.  Florakis G.I., Kapasakalis K.A. and Sapountzakis E.J. (2025) “Frequency-Domain Optimization of Seismically Isolated Structures Enhanced with Negative Stiffness Devices”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 228, 112375, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2025.112375.