- Iraklitos: Research Fellowships with Priority to Basic Research, “Analysis of Plates Reinforced with Beams Subjected in Eccentric Loading by the Boundary Element Method”, Principal Investigator, Ministry of National Education and Cults – European Social Fund, 2002-2005, Budget: 32.396€.
- Pithagoras: Support of Research Groups in Universities, “Torsional – Flexural Buckling of Homogeneous Beams of Constant Arbitrary Cross Section”, Principal Investigator, Ministry of National Education and Cults – European Social Fund, 2004-2006, Budget: 85.000€.
- Support Programm of Research Labor PENED-2003, “Torsional Flexural Buckling of Beams of Variable Homogeneous or Composite Cross Section”, Principal Investigator, Ministry of Development, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, 2005-2008, Budget: 46.500€.
- Support Programm of Basic Research PEBE 2008, “Nonlinear Elastoplastic Nonuniform Torsion of Composite Bars – Application to the Aseismic Analysis of Structures”, Principal Investigator, Senator Committee of Basic Research of NTUA, 2008-2010, Budget: 15.000€.
- Seventh Framework Programme, “IDEAS” Specific Programme, DARE Project, “Soil-Foundation-Structure Systems Beyond Conventional Seismic ‘Failure’ Thresholds: Application to New or Existing Structures and Monuments”, Key Team Member, Principal Investigator: George Gazetas, European Research Council (ERC), Advanced Grant, Programme in Support of Frontier Research, Grant Agreement 228254, 2010-2014, Budget: 2.4 million€.
- THALIS: Support of the Interscientific or and the Interinstitutional Research and Innovation with the capability of attracting of high level external researchers via the conduction of basic and applied first-rate research, Engineering, Informatics and Telecommunication Sciences “Resolution of Complex Problemsin the Analysis of ‘Next Generation’ Wind Turbine Towers”, Principal Investigator, Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs, Operational Programme Education and Lifelong Learning, 2011-2015, Budget: 521.739,13€.
- Software Code Elaboration for the Evaluation of the Shear Areas and the Torsion Constant of an Arbitrary Cross Section and its Direct Incorporation to Scada Pro Software, Update and Upgrade of Structural Analysis Software, Principal Investigator, Administration Committee of the Special Account of NTUA, 2014.
- Software Verification Manual of Scada Pro: Phase A, Update and Upgrade of Structural Analysis Software, Principal Investigator, Administration Committee of the Special Account of NTUA, 2014.
- Software Verification Manual of Scada Pro: Phase B, Update and Upgrade of Structural Analysis Software, Principal Investigator, Administration Committee of the Special Account of NTUA, 2014.
- Wellhead Casing FEA, Develop a stress analysis methodology and model to validate the current design envelope of the drilling structure, CoProvider, Scope of Work No. 365-001-001, Client Name: Anadarko, Texas Institute of Science, 2015.
- Subsidy of the Special Account of Research Items of NTUA for the Implementation of the Project: “Upgrade of the Academic Infrastructure of NTUA”, Principal Investigator, Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, 2017-2018, Budget: 427.000,00€.
- Municipality of Lavreotiki, “French Lavrion Mines Ladder”, Principal Investigator, Administration Committee of the Special Account of NTUA, 2018-2019, Budget: 120.000,00€.
- National Range Action: ‘Research-Create-Innovate’, “Design and Development of a Novel Large Scale 3D-Printer for Building Concrete Buildings and Structures”, Special Administration Department of Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Main Researcher, 2018-2020, Budget: 906.734,00€.
- National Range Action: ‘Research-Create-Innovate’, “Novel Seismic Protection Devices in all Spatial Directions”, Special Administration Department of Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Main Researcher, 2018-2020, Budget: 499.038,61€.
- Marie Sklodowska – Curie Actions: ‘Innovative Training Networks (ITN)’, “INSPIRE: Innovative Ground Interface Concepts for Structure Protection”, Horizon 2020 European Union Funding for Research & Innovation, Deputy Coordinator, 2020-2023, Budget: 3.892.123,44€.
- Programme Contract: Hellenic Open University – National Technical University of Athens – Region of Peloponnese, for the Implementation of the Project: “For the Evolution and the Development of the Mavrakeios School at Hellenikon of the Gortynia Municipality of Arcadia”, Principal Investigator, 2022-2023, Budget: 540.000,00€.
- Public Department of Employment (D.YP.A.), – Research Committee of NTUA for the Implementation of the Project: “Study of Structural Adequacy of the Laborclerical Center Building of Zante”, Principal Investigator, 2022, Budget: 35.960,00€.
- Public Department of Employment (D.YP.A.), – Research Committee of NTUA for the Implementation of the Project: “Structural Adequacy Control of the Building Complex of Pyrgos Professional School”, Principal Investigator, 2023, Budget: 24.738,00€.
- Public Department of Employment (D.YP.A.), – Research Committee of NTUA for the Implementation of the Project: “Innovative Project for the Assessment of Structural Integrity of DYPA Vocational Training School Buildings and Pilot Investigation of Structural Interventions and Antiseismic Adequacy”, Principal Investigator, 2024-2025, Budget: 000,00€.
- Ministry of Culture – Crete Region – Research Committee of NTUA for the Implementation of the Project: «Research Papers for the Historical and Technological Documentation of the Feasibility Study for the Restoration, Reinforcement, and Change of Use of the Evangelismos Building in Heraklion, Crete», Principal Investigator, 2024-2026, Budget: 744.000,00€.
- Ministry of Culture – Crete Region – Technical University of Crete for the Implementation of the Project: «Creation of a New Innovative Museum of Archanes», Principal Investigator, 2024-2026, Budget: 729.740,00€.
- Public Department of Employment (D.YP.A.), – Research Committee of NTUA for the Implementation of the Project: “Innovative Project for the Research Works of the Existing Situation Imprint and Seismic Armor of DYPA Buildings”, Principal Investigator, 2025, Budget: 359.600,00€.